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Content ManagmentIn addition to content managing the display of products, catalogs, customers, and vendors; a full spectrum of support for static content is also provided, including full web pages, information fragments which can be inserted anywhere, images, articles, testimonials, faq lists, image carousels and photo galleries, and much more...

Dynamic presentation of content managed items, includes dynamic creation of virtual pages and folders, url rewriting, menu building, content and data reference rotators, token placeholders, as well as lower level api features to present the particular data you want. For example; a featured set of articles or products on your home page.

OmniChannel Commerce Content Management Ribbon


Article Management

This is where you add, edit, or delete your articles and blogs. OmniChannel Commerce has extensive support for articles and blogs with advanced organizational, workflow, and display features that are fully integrated into the platform as a whole. For example, you can link blogs to a particular product as well as displaying them in site-wide search. As a demonstration of its versatility, the documentation you are now reading is managed within it.

Article Attributes

Article Setup and Managing Selectable Attributes

A single place to configure your global options for displaying articles, to manage article attributes which are selected from a drop down list, such as groups, categories, author profiles, and custom lists, and to enter meaningful label names for your custom fields.

Web Photos Management in OmniChannel Commerce by S

Content Management of Web Photos

Web Photos are used for content management of images for display on your website. Products, catalogs, etc., have their own set of images; so web photos are used in other ways. For example, on the images on you home page, in banners, listing images for articles, photo galleries, etc.

Further documentation is in Progress...