A wealth of help and information is being developed for our online documentation, which can be viewed both from our website, and within the OmniChannel adminsitration program itself. This includes an introduction to cababilities, and then jumping into how to do something that in places will also explain the wisdom and tips. For developers and IT people, it prgresses to in-depth reference information such as features available, field lengths for attributes, etc as well as how to information for web developers (and yes, even including an online version of the traditional API document, which only a programmer could love).
Documentation will be rich in screen shots and peppered with short how-to videos.
Please be patient as we develop or bring over our documentation into this new presentation.
In the interim, go to Articles Managment to get a feel of how the documentation will look.
Keep in mind, that throughout much of the administrative program in-context assistance is available by simply holding the mouse over a field for a second.

We can all use a bit of help in our life.
(photo by Michael V Khalsa in Crestone, Colorado)